Martial Arts

  • Bio

    Mr. Patrick Dunn is a 4h Degree Black Belt in the Southwest Karate Association.

    Personal Statement: I was part of the first generation of youth karate in America. I started when I was four years old. As my parents will attest, I was loud and off the walls as a kid. I quickly learned that that was all a ball of energy just waiting to be focused in the right direction. I became engulfed in karate and grew in ability and confidence to become the youngest black belt in the State of Texas at seven years old, just days before by eighth birthday. From that point on I have continued to learn that the lessons and physical abilities that were taught to me as a child have been the cornerstones of my life as a man, husband, father and athlete. The relationships that I developed as a kid have continued with me as an adult, and it is my aim to share what I have learned and help to be a guiding force for our students in the same way that my instructors have helped me for the last 30 years.

    OCMA offers our Kids Program combining Traditional American Tae Kwon Do (TKD), Self Defense, and Agility & Core Training to offer a balanced curriculum for future OCMA martial artists. This program aims to focus on the mental & physical benefits of well-rounded students that thrive under the growing pressures facing children today. We have FUN. We learn DISCIPLINE. We Perfect TECHNIQUE and we BUILD CONFIDENCE.

  • Schedule


    Littles (ages 4-5) - 5:00pm 5:30pm

    Beginners (ages 6 & up) - 5:35pm-6:20pm

    Intermediate - 6:25pm - 7:10pm


    Beginner/Intermediate - 5:30pm - 6:15pm

  • Fee Structure

    $50 Regisration

    $85 a Month